PanCathay has been helping find suitable investment opportunities since its beginning in 2004. Our understanding of Chinese objectives, coupled with our knowledge of British industry, built up over 25 years, helps us create a positive platform for two-way business.
We raised the profile of our Chinese clients and helped them to promote themselves in the UK. We have also helped British companies refine their criteria for finding suitable locations in which to set up in China.
We know China well and have particular interest in two areas on the Eastern coast: Tianjin and Shandong. Both these areas are at the forefront of China’s Economic development and, according to recent surveys, have great potential for growth and many features to attract UK companies. Click here for further information about Tianjin and Shandong.
TTS is a British company in the pharma sector which was seeking an appropriate location in China in which to develop and manufacture their patented companion diagnostic treatment. PanCathay introduced them to an ideal environment for their R&D and manufacturing then, when the company required further funds to launch this development, PanCathay made several UK based introductions which led in part to TTS concluding a successful fundraising. They are now on track to launch their investment into China this year.
“PanCathay took time to understand our business and local objectives and then introduced us to a Corporate Finance Advisor with a specific interest in Asia which helped us to identify a lead investor. PanCathay has helped facilitate the development and launch of the business into China and their extensive knowledge of China and UK network has reduced the perceived risk of our strategy significantly. We look forward to future dividends arising from this relationship”.
Mark Tucker, CEO of TTS Pharma Ltd